
I leaned back on the steps,
open palm to the falling snow,

and thought about the ending
of Blade Runner 2049,

wounded in my own way,
a sudden slip on the ice,

legs up outside a 7-Eleven
in the morning,

fearing for 1.5 seconds
that I might never run again,

a feeling that echoed on
into the afternoon

(and to tentative steps
on the treadmill the next day),

limping around Dragon Lake,
but glad afterwards

that I was mobile and cold,
a message from my parents

saying ‘strange to travel
such a short distance north

for such a change in weather.’
It had been a while since

out latitude points were so close,
almost Deckard 1.5 seconds

before the end credits – a family.
I let the snow seep into my jacket,

arm upwards to the clouds,
both meeting the 郑州skyline

a science-fiction classic,
and recalled that last line:

isn’t it?

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