From a rocky outcrop, Pegasus Mountain

Somebody smoked


the dead butt on the rocky outcrop


with the view of Lingyin Temple,

its muddy        gold

four hundred feet



the same colour

as my copy of Pictures…

                                    the gone world returned

in a certain shade of copper.


The eight-hundred steps

would have been harder        for a person

nursing a bad habit.

I counted them

in Chinese

and doubled their length and the way

they tasted in my mouth. Rose to bile

I swallowed like pride sitting then

on the mountainside

with Lawrence we counted together

both    untitled           untethered.


At the four-hundredth step a couple picked seeds

and arranged them like good fortunes

making midday shadows small on the stone.

They heard

my breathing before they

saw me.


Greetings filled a vacuum entirely natural,

two birds

were quiet on approach and sang after the fact;

I heard them

from a mile away,

maybe more, responses

to the sound

of the stray cat

coming down.

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